Leave of Absence, Withdrawal, Resumption
Leave of Absence
If a student cannot attend classes for a period of 2 months or longer due to illness or other good reasons, he / she may apply for a Leave of Absence only for the same semester or for the same academic year. Leave of Absences will be granted for two years longest for the students at Master’s Degree Program and three years longest for Doctoral Degree Program students. However, the period students can petition at one request should be six months or one year. When students intend to take a leave of absence, submit the Request for Leave of Absence form to the Academic Affairs Division in one month prior to the start date of the leave period.
[Application procedures]
Those who intend to take a leave of absence, he / she shall submit the necessary documents including “Application for Leave of Absence”.
*Please ensure to submit necessary documents to the Academic Affairs Division after consultation with the academic staff in charge is made and receiving stamp mark and necessary subjects filled in by the academic staff on the document. For information on the documents to be submitted, please see 03.Leave of Absence, check list for movement.
01.Application for Leave of Absence
02.Status table of Leave of Absence taking
03.Leave of Absence, check list for movement
04.For international students
※In principle, no tuition fees are charged during a leave of absence. Please note that depending on the timing of the start of your leave of absence, you may be charged tuition fees while enrolled.
※If you wish to take a leave of absence after paying your tuition fees, please use the "Niigata University Tuition Fee Refund Request Form" to request a refund yourself.
※After the leave of absence period expires, select "Reinstatement," "Extend leave of absence," or "Withdrawal." Please select one from “Resumption”, “Extension” or “Withdrawal”, when the leave period is finished.
When the leave period is finished and you wish to return to the school, please submit the “Application for Resumption” after consultation with the academic staff in charge is made. Your immediate return may also be possible when the reason to take “Leave of Absence” disappears.
01. Application for Resumption
02. For international students
[Extension of leave period]
After leave period is finished and you wish to extend the period, you are requested to submit necessary documents such as “Application form for extending the period of Leave of Absence” to the Academic Affairs Division after consultation with the academic staff in charge. For documents to be submitted, please see 03. Leave of Absence, check list for movement.
01. Application form for extending the period of Leave of Absence
02. Status table of Leave of Absence taking
03. Leave of Absence, check list for movement
04. For international students
If there are no way but to withdraw from the study under unavoidable reasons such as sick, he / she can withdraw from the school by submitting the “Application for withdrawal”. Please submit necessary documents such as “Application for withdrawal” after consultation with the academic staff in charge is made. For documents to be submitted, please see 03. Withdrawal, check list for movement.
01.Application for withdrawal
02. Guarantor acceptance form
03.Withdrawal, check list for movement
04.For international students
※If you wish to withdraw from the university after paying your tuition fees, please use the "Niigata University Tuition Fee Refund Request Form" to request a refund yourself.
Note: When you fill in the column of “Industrial field categorization” of the document “Carrier path application form”, please see the notes shown on the back page of the same document.